Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is a very complex ball-in-socket-joint surrounded by bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons, making it capable of a wide range of motion. With its versatility and complex makeup, the shoulder can be injured easily. Manual labor, sports, and using the shoulder in a repetitive motion can increase the risk of shoulder pain and injury.

If you have shoulder pain, there could be several different causes. The most common causes of shoulder pain are:

  • Rotator cuff tendonitis

  • Arthritis

  • Dislocation

  • Pinched nerve

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Torn rotator cuff


If you injure your shoulder in an accident, you should seek medical attention immediately.  People over the age of sixty are likely to experience shoulder pain, which often results from wear and tear. See a doctor if you have persistent shoulder pain that affects your daily activities. You’ll be given an MRI or an x-ray to determine if you have any serious damage in your shoulder. If rehabilitation is needed to help return your shoulder to its original strength and range of motion, you’ll be advised to see a physical therapist. The type and severity of your condition will dictate how much and for how long you will need therapy.

If you’re in need of shoulder therapy, contact  Farmingdale PT East with any questions or to schedule an appointment. On your first visit to our Farmingdale office, you will be given an evaluation to determine what condition your shoulder is in and what kinds of treatment your shoulder needs. Treatment and exercises will focus on increasing the strength and flexibility of the shoulder to return it to its normal range of motion and diminish pain. Our hands-on, skilled therapists will find the best treatment for you and your condition from the first to the last day. After your therapy is complete, we will provide you with a post-discharge conditioning program to help keep your shoulder healthy and pain-free.

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