Finding the right physical therapist can be a daunting task. With a wide variety of practices offering care, it can be difficult for the prospective physical therapy patient to get started. When patients seek out the best physical therapist, there are many variables to consider. Do they treat my conditions? Do they accept my insurance? Is the office located near me? All of these questions can be answered at Farmingdale Physical Therapy East where a wide variety of treatments are offered. Since physical therapy is often very important in the treatment of many conditions, finding a physical therapist that can offer the right care for you is the first and most important step.
For 33 years, Board Certified Physical Therapist John Dugan and his highly trained staff have been offering exceptional physical therapy services to Farmingdale and the surrounding community. At Farmingdale PT East, the entire team strives to ensure patients receive pain relief, improve strength and movement, and achieve a better life altogether. After evaluating each patient individually, the staff at Farmingdale Physical Therapy East will develop a treatment plan specifically tailored to their needs and goals. We will work with patients every step of the way on the road to recovery. We offer treatment for a very wide variety of conditions including both orthopedic and neurological issues. The practice also focuses on sports, work related injuries, and post-operative care. We treat conditions such as low back pain, arthritis, neck and shoulder pain, knee, foot, and ankle injuries.
Conveniently located on Main Street in Farmingdale, Farmingdale Physical Therapy East is a great choice for all physical therapy needs. The passionate staff strives to help patients improve their quality of life through expert care. To learn more about Farmingdale Physical Therapy East, or to schedule an appointment, feel free to contact the office today.